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Windows Guide (Desktop App)

Development build

To create a development build,

  1. Follow the quickstart guide to create a new app with the app builder and install all the dependencies
  2. Run npm start in the project root. This will launch the CLI
  3. Select Build in the main menu
  4. Select Windows in the platforms menu
  5. Select Development in the build menu
  6. This will launch the development edition of the Windows application on your system

Production build

To create a production build,

  1. Follow the quickstart guide to create a new app with the app builder and install all the dependencies
  2. Run npm start in the project root. This will launch the CLI
  3. Select Build in the main menu
  4. Select Windows in the platforms menu
  5. Select Production in the build menu
  6. This will build the production edition of the Windows application on your system
  7. The binary will be located at agora-app-builder/<PRODUCT_ID>/out

Production build with code signing

To create a production build with code signing,

  1. Buy a code signing certificate from any CA (certifying authority). A list of these CAs can be found at Microsoft docs center

  2. Set the following environment variables:

    • CSC_LINK as the absolute path of the .pfx or .p12 certificate
    • CSC_KEY_PASSWORD The password to decrypt the certificate given in CSC_LINK.


    set CSC_LINK=path\to\certificate
    set CSC_KEY_PASSWORD=password


    $Env:CSC_LINK = "path\to\certificate"
    $Env:CSC_KEY_PASSWORD = "password"
  3. Continue building for production by following the above guide