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Code Signing

Code signing is necessary to distribute your Android, IOS, MacOS and Windows apps. This could be a tedious process so we have tried to simplify the process by bringing all the resources in one place for ease of access.

Code signing on IOS:

  1. Open the .xcworkspace file located in <PRODUCT_ID>/ios folder using XCode.

  2. Register for an Apple developer account if you don't have one yet.

  3. Select your project in the Xcode Project Navigator, then select your main target (it should share the same name as your project). Look for the "General" tab. Go to "Signing" and make sure your Apple developer account or team is selected under the Team dropdown. Do the same for the tests target (it ends with Tests, and is below your main target).

    Repeat this step for the Tests target in your project


    Original guide :

Code signing on Android:

  1. This awesome guide walks you through how to sign code for Android

Code signing on MacOS:

  1. Register for an Apple developer account if you don't have one yet.

  2. Generate an application specific password from Apple ID account page (Read :

  3. Execute security add-generic-password -a "<APPLE ID HERE>" -w "<APP SPECIFIC PASSWORD HERE>" -s "AC_PASSWORD" (Replace APPLE ID HERE and APP SPECIFIC PASSWORD HERE with your Apple ID and app-specific password generated above. Note that AC_PASSWORD is a static identifier and should NOT be replaced)

  4. Open XCode > preferences

  5. Open accounts tab

  6. Sign in to XCode with the developer account if not done already

  7. Click manage certificates

  8. Create a new certificate of the type “Developer ID Application”

  9. Execute security find-identity -v -p codesigning and copy the correct hash corresponding to “Developer ID Application” into your clipboard

  10. Execute export CSC_NAME="<Your copied certificate hash>"

  11. We can now continue the build process!

Code signing on Windows:

  1. Buy a code signing certificate from any CA (certifying authority). A list of these CAs can be found at Microsoft docs center

  2. Set the following environment variables: (how to set environment variables in windows?)

    1. CSC_LINK as the absolute path of the .pfx or .p12 certificate
    2. CSC_KEY_PASSWORD The password to decrypt the certificate given in CSC_LINK.
  3. We can now continue the build process!