- Turnkey
- Embed-SDK React
- Embed-SDK Web
This page is an index of types, interfaces, enums used across the Customization API
Key | Type | Description |
uid | UidType | uid of the user |
audio | ToggleState | audio mute state |
video | ToggleState | video mute state |
streamType | 'high' | 'low' | stream quality type |
name | string | display name of the user |
screenUid | number | uid of the screenshare stream |
offline | boolean | offline status of the user |
type | 'rtc' | content type |
Defined by the user, can contain any information necessary for the corresponding custom content added.
Key | Type | Description |
type | string | Content of the chat message |
[key: string] | any | Content of the chat message |
Type of message that is sent in private/public group.
Key | Type | Description |
TXT | txt | Text message type |
IMAGE | img | Image message type |
FILE | file | File message type like pdf,doc,zip... |
CUSTOM | custom | User-defined custom message type |
Message sent in as group or private chat.
Key | Value | Description |
SINGLE_CHAT | singleChat | Msg sent to private chat user |
GROUP_CHAT | groupChat | Msg sent in a group chat |
Chat Message that is to be sent in private/public group.
Key | Type | Description |
chatType | SDKChatType | Type of chat : peer or group |
type | chatMessageType | Type of chat message to be sent |
from | UidType | Sender of message |
to | UidType | Receiver of message |
msg? | string | Content of the message (optional) |
file? | object | File object of attachment message (optional) |
ext? | {file_length: number; file_ext: string; file_name: string; file_url: string; from_platform?: string;} | Custom attributes to be send along with message (optional) |
url? | string | URL associated with the message (optional) |
The message status change listener. Occurs when a message is uploaded or downloaded.
Property | Type | Description |
onProgress | ((localMsgId: string, progress: number) => void)? | Occurs when a message is uploaded or downloaded. |
onError | (localMsgId: string, error: any) => void | Occurs when a message error occurs |
onSuccess | (message: ChatMessage) => void | Occurs when a message is successfully delivered |
Upload Status of the Attachment message
Key | Value | Description |
NOT_STARTED | notStarted | Upload not started yet |
IN_PROGRESS | inProgress | Upload in progress |
SUCCESS | success | Upload successful |
FAILURE | failure | Upload failed |
Message object when a chat message is received or recalled.
Property | Type | Description |
msgId | string | Message ID |
localMsgId | string | Local message ID |
conversationId | string | Conversation ID |
from | string | Sender ID |
to | string | Receiver ID |
localTime | number | Local timestamp of the message |
serverTime | number | Server timestamp of the message |
hasDeliverAck | boolean | Indicates if delivery acknowledgment is present |
hasReadAck | boolean | Indicates if read acknowledgment is present |
needGroupAck | boolean | Indicates if group acknowledgment is needed |
groupAckCount | number | Count of group acknowledgments |
hasRead | boolean | Indicates if the message has been read |
chatType | number | Type of chat |
direction | string | Direction of the message (incoming/outgoing) |
status | number | Status of the message |
attributes | any | Additional attributes of the message |
body | any | Body of the message |
isChatThread | boolean | Indicates if the message is part of a chat thread |
isOnline | boolean | Indicates if the user is currently online |
deliverOnlineOnly | boolean | Indicates if the message should be delivered only when the receiver is online |
receiverList | string[] | List of receiver IDs |
The preset video encoder configurations.
'120p_1' | '120p_3' | '180p_1' | '180p_3' | '180p_4' | '240p_1' | '240p_3' | '240p_4' | '360p_1' | '360p_3' | '360p_4' | '360p_6' | '360p_7' | '360p_8' | '360p_9' | '360p_10' | '360p_11' | '480p_1' | '480p_2' | '480p_3' | '480p_4' | '480p_6' | '480p_8' | '480p_9' | '480p_10' | '720p_1' | '720p_2' | '720p_3' | '720p_5' | '720p_6'
The preset video encoder configurations for screen sharing.
'480p_1' | '480p_2' | '480p_3' | '720p' | '720p_1' | '720p_2' | '720p_3' | '1080p' | '1080p_1' | '1080p_2' | '1080p_3'
Interface that defines video encoder configurations.
Property | Type | Description |
bitrateMax | number | The maximum bitrate of the video (Kbps) |
bitrateMin | number | The minimum bitrate of the video (Kbps) |
frameRate | number | ConstrainLong | Frame rate of the video (fps) |
height | number | ConstrainLong | Height of the video |
width | number | ConstrainLong | Width of the video |
Specifies a constraint for a property, such as the resolution or bitrate for video capture in VideoEncoderConfiguration.
Property | Type | Description |
exact | number | A required value of a property. If the video capture device cannot output this value, the video capture fails. |
ideal | number | An ideal value of a property. If the video capture device cannot output this value, it outputs the closest value instead. |
max | number | The upper limit of the property |
min | number | The lower limit of the property |
Type of Virtual Background option that can be applied in the video.
Key | Type | Description |
type | VBMode | Type of virtual background, e.g., blur , image , none . |
path | string | Required for image type VBMode . Must be a valid image URL pointing to the image. |
label | string | Optional label for the virtual background option, used for display purposes. |
isSelected | boolean | Optional flag indicating if this virtual background option is currently selected. |
Type of Virtual Background that can be applied
Key | Value | Description |
VBMode | blur | Applies a blur effect as the virtual background. |
image | Uses an image as the virtual background. | |
none | No virtual background is applied. |
Image Enhancement options.
Key | Value | Description |
lighteningContrastLevel | 0, 1, 2 (optional) | The contrast level, used with the lighteningLevel parameter. The larger the value, the greater the contrast between light and dark. |
lighteningLevel | Number (optional) | Adjusts the brightening level.The higher the value, the greater the degree of brightening. |
smoothnessLevel | Number (optional) | Controls the smoothness level of the effect.The greater the value, the greater the smoothness level. |
sharpnessLevel | Number (optional) | Modifies the sharpness level of the image.The larger the value, the greater the sharpness level. |
rednessLevel | Number (optional) | Alters the redness level, adjusting the red tones in the image.The larger the value, the greater the redness level. |
Name | Value |
topBar | 0 |
bottomBar | 1 |
ContentInterface: DefaultContentInterface | ExtenedContentInterface
Key | Type | Description |
[key: UidType] | ContentInterface | Object containing information necessary to render content view for the corresponding uid |
Selector( e: T ): Partial<T>
Method to subscribe to portions of the app-state. When passed to an app-state accessor method it receives the contents of the associated app-state as argument, it must then selectively return the contents which are intended to be subscribed and eventually returned by the accessor method.
- turnkey
- react-sdk
- web-sdk
import { useRecording } from "customization-api";
const { isRecordingActive, startRecording } = useRecording(
({isRecordingActve ,startRecording, stopRecording}) => {
return({{isRecordingActve, startRecording}})
#### RecordingContextInterface
isRecordingActve : boolean
startRecording : () => void
stopRecording : () => void
import { useRecording } from "@appbuilder/react";
const { isRecordingActive, startRecording } = useRecording(
({isRecordingActve ,startRecording, stopRecording}) => {
return({{isRecordingActve, startRecording}})
#### RecordingContextInterface
isRecordingActve : boolean
startRecording : () => void
stopRecording : () => void
import { useRecording } from "@appbuilder/web";
const { isRecordingActive, startRecording } = useRecording(
({isRecordingActve ,startRecording, stopRecording}) => {
return({{isRecordingActve, startRecording}})
#### RecordingContextInterface
isRecordingActve : boolean
startRecording : () => void
stopRecording : () => void
DispatchType: <T, V>(action: { type: T; value: V }) => void
T: keyof CallbacksInterface
V: Parameters<CallbacksInterface[T]>
Used to dispatch various app builder actions.
- turnkey
- react-sdk
- web-sdk
import { useRtc } from "customization-api";
const { dispatch } = useRtc();
type: "AddCustomContent",
value: [123, { type: "MyContent", info: "MyInfo" }],
import { useRtc } from "@appbuilder/react";
const { dispatch } = useRtc();
type: "AddCustomContent",
value: [123, { type: "MyContent", info: "MyInfo" }],
import { useRtc } from "@appbuilder/web";
const { dispatch } = useRtc();
type: "AddCustomContent",
value: [123, { type: "MyContent", info: "MyInfo" }],
Key | Type | Description |
EndCall | () => void | Ends the call |
SwitchCamera | () => void | Switches the video device being used [ mobile only ] |
SwapVideo | ( uid: UidType ) => void | Swaps given uid with the uid at the top in activeUids |
DequeVideo | ( uid: UidType ) => void | Shifts given uid to top of activeUids |
UpdateRenderList | ( uid: UidType, user: Partial<ContentInterface> ) => void | Updates contentObject of the given uid in defaultContent |
AddCustomContent | ( uid: UidType, data: ContentInterface ) => void | Adds the given data to defaultContent with given uid as key. |
ToolbarItemsConfig: TopToolbarItemsConfig | BottomToolbarItemsConfig | ToolbarDefaultItemsConfig
Key | Type | Description |
[key: TopToolbarDefaultKeys] | ToolbarDefaultItem | Object containing information to modify the top toolbar items |
Key | Type | Description |
[key: BottomToolbarDefaultKeys] | ToolbarDefaultItem | Object containing information to modify the bottom toolbar items |
more | ToolbarMoreDefaultItem | Object containing information to modify the bottom more toolbar items |
Key | Type | Description |
[key: string] | ToolbarDefaultItem | Object containing information to modify/define toolbar items |
Key | Type | Description |
component?: | () => JSX.Element | Used to override the default component |
align?: | ToolbarItemAlign | Used to align the component |
hide?: | ToolbarItemHide | Used to show/hide the component |
order?: | number | Used to order the component |
label?: | ToolbarItemLabel | Used to change default label |
onPress?: | () => void | Used to add on press functionality |
Key | Type | Description |
component?: | () => JSX.Element | Used to override the default component |
align?: | ToolbarItemAlign | Used to align the component |
hide?: | ToolbarItemHide | Used to show/hide the component |
order?: | number | Used to order the component |
fields?: | ToolbarMoreButtonFields | Used to modify more button toolbar items |
label?: | ToolbarItemLabel | Used to change default label |
Key | Type | Description |
[key: MoreButtonDefaultKeys] | {hide?: ToolbarItemHide; order?: number;} | Used to modify more button toolbar items |