i18n API
- Turnkey
- Embed-SDK React
- Embed-SDK Web
Provides API to customize and add multiple language and locale translations for all strings used across App Builder.
i18n : i18nInterface[]
Accepts an array of i18nInterface objects, each specific to a language or locale.
The overrides are applied by passing the array under the top-level i18n
key to the Customization API config object.
Key | Type | Description |
locale | string | Unique string identifier to specify a language. |
label? | string | Language name to display in the UI dropdown |
data | i18nDataInterface | The necessary translations for a given locale |
Key | Type | Description | Defaults |
createRoomHeading? | I18nBaseType | Create screen card heading text | Create a Room |
createRoomInputLabel? | I18nBaseType | Create screen input label text | Room Name |
createRoomInputPlaceholderText? | I18nBaseType | Create screen input placeholder text | The Annual Galactic Meet |
createRoomMakeEveryOneCoHost? | I18nBaseType | Create screen toggle 1 text | Make everyone a Co-Host |
createRoomMakeEveryOneCoHostTooltipText? | I18nBaseType | Create screen toggle 1 tooltip text | Turning on will give everyone the control of this room |
createRoomAllowPhoneNumberJoining? | I18nBaseType | Create screen toggle 2 text | Allow joining via a phone number |
createRoomAllowPhoneNumberJoiningTooltipText? | I18nBaseType | Create screen toggle 2 tooltip text | Attendees can dial a number and join via PSTN |
createRoomBtnText? | I18nBaseType | Create screen primary button text | CREATE A ROOM |
createRoomJoinWithID? | I18nBaseType | Create screen secondary button text | Join with a room ID |
createRoomSuccessToastHeading? | I18nBaseType | Create screen toast heading text on successful room creation | "meetingname" has been created |
createRoomSuccessToastSubHeading? | I18nDynamicType | Create screen toast subheading text on successful room creation | Your New room is now live |
Key | Type | Description | Defaults |
joinRoomHeading? | I18nBaseType | Join screen card heading text | Join a Room |
joinRoomInputLabel? | I18nBaseType | Join screen input field label | Room ID |
joinRoomInputPlaceholderText? | I18nBaseType | Join screen input field placeholder text | Enter Room ID |
joinRoomBtnText? | I18nBaseType | Join screen primary button text | Join Room |
joinRoomCreateBtnText? | I18nBaseType | Join screen secondary button text | Create a Room |
joinRoomErrorToastHeading? | I18nBaseType | Join screen toast heading text on join error | Room ID is Invalid |
joinRoomCreateBtnText? | I18nBaseType | Join screen toast subheading text on join error | Please enter a valid Room ID |
Key | Type | Description | Defaults |
shareRoomAttendeeLinkLabel? | I18nBaseType | Share screen attendee link label | Attendee Link |
shareRoomAttendeeLinkSubText? | I18nBaseType | Share screen attendee link subtext | Share this with attendees you want to invite. |
shareRoomHostLinkLabel? | I18nBaseType | Share screen host link label | Host Link |
shareRoomHostLinkSubText? | I18nBaseType | Share screen host link subtext | Share this with other co-hosts you want to invite. |
shareRoomPSTNLabel? | I18nBaseType | Share screen PSTN label | PSTN |
shareRoomPSTNNumberLabel? | I18nBaseType | Share screen PSTN Number label | Number |
shareRoomPSTNPinLabel? | I18nBaseType | Share screen PSTN Pin label | Pin |
shareRoomPSTNSubText? | I18nBaseType | Share screen PSTN subtext label | Share this phone number and pin to dial from phone. |
shareRoomCopyBtnTooltipText? | I18nBaseType | Share screen copy icon button tooltip text | Copied to clipboard |
shareRoomStartBtnText? | I18nBaseType | Share screen primary button text | Start Room (as host) |
shareRoomCopyBtnText? | I18nBaseType | Share screen secondary button text | Copy invite to clipboard |
shareRoomCopyInviteToClipboardContent? | I18nBaseType<MeetingInviteInterface> | Share screen room invite content | - |
Key | Type | Description | Defaults |
precallYouAreJoiningAsHeading? | I18nBaseType | Precall Card Heading | You are joining |
precallNameInputPlaceholderText? | I18nBaseType | Precall Input Placeholder Text | Enter Your Name |
precallInputGettingName? | I18nBaseType | Precall Input Placeholder Text while loading | Getting name... |
precallJoinBtnText? | I18nBaseType | Precall Primary Button Text | JOIN ROOM |
Settings Panel common for precall screen and video call screen
Key | Type | Description | Defaults |
settingsPanelHeading? | I18nBaseType | Settings Panel Heading Text | Settings |
settingsPanelCameraLabel? | I18nBaseType | Settings Panel Camera Dropdown Label | Camera |
settingsPanelNoCameraDetectedText? | I18nBaseType | Settings Panel Camera Dropdown Label when no camera is detected | No Camera Detected |
settingsPanelNoCameraSelectedText? | I18nBaseType | Settings Panel Camera Dropdown Label when no camera is selected | No Camera Selected |
settingsPanelMicrophoneLabel? | I18nBaseType | Settings Panel Microphone Dropdown Label | Microphone |
settingsPanelNoMicrophoneDetectedText? | I18nBaseType | Settings Panel Microphone Dropdown Label when no microphone is detected | No Microphone Detected |
settingsPanelNoMicrophoneSelectedText? | I18nBaseType | Settings Panel Microphone Dropdown Label when no microphone is selected | No Microphone Selected |
settingsPanelSpeakerLabel? | I18nBaseType | Settings Panel Speaker Dropdown Label | Speaker |
settingsPanelNoSpeakerDetectedText? | I18nBaseType | Settings Panel Speaker Dropdown Label when no speaker is detected | No Speaker Detected |
settingsPanelNoSpeakerSelectedText? | I18nBaseType | Settings Panel Speaker Dropdown Label when no speaker is selected | No Speaker Selected |
settingsPanelSystemDefaultSpeakerText? | I18nBaseType | Settings Panel Speaker Dropdown Default Value Text | System Default Speaker Device |
settingsPanelUpdatingText? | I18nBaseType | Settings Panel Dropdown Updating Text | Updating... |
settingsPanelLiveStreamingAttendeeInfo? | I18nBaseType | Settings Panel Info Text for livestreaming attendee user(only applicable on video call screen) | Attendees need to raise their hand to access the devices. |
settingsPanelLanguageLabel? | I18nBaseType | Settings Panel Language Dropdown Label (only applicable on video call screen) | Language |
settingPanelNameCantbeChangedInfo? | I18nBaseType | Settings Panel Info Text When Whiteboard is active (only applicable on video call screen) | Name can't be changed while whiteboard is active |
settingPanelNameInputLabel? | I18nBaseType | Settings Panel Name Input Field Label (only applicable on video call screen) | Your Name |
VirtualBackground Panel Labels common for precall screen and video call screen
Key | Type | Description | Defaults |
vbPanelHeading? | I18nBaseType | Virtual Background Panel Heading Text | Virtual Background |
vbPanelInfo? | I18nConditionalType | Virtual Background Panel Info Text When Camera Switch On or Off | Camera is currently off. Selected background will be applied as soon as your camera turns on. |
vbPanelOptionNoneText? | I18nBaseType | Virtual Background Panel Option text to remove effect | None |
vbPanelOptionBlurText? | I18nBaseType | Virtual Background Panel Option text to add blur effect | Blur |
vbPanelOptionCustomText? | I18nBaseType | Virtual Background Panel Option text to add custom effect | Custom |
vbPanelAppliedBtnText? | I18nBaseType | Virtual Background Panel Apply Button Text(Only applicable to video call screen) Apply | Apply |
vbPanelApplyBtnText? | I18nBaseType | Virtual Background Panel Applied Button Text(Only applicable to video) | Applied |
vbPanelImageUploadErrorToastHeading? | I18nBaseType | Virtual Background Panel Error Toast Heading On Image upload failed | Upload Failed |
vbPanelImageUploadErrorToastSubHeading? | I18nBaseType | Virtual Background Panel Error Toast Subheading On Image upload failed | Selected image is already uploaded |
vbPanelImageTypeErrorToastHeading? | I18nBaseType | Virtual Background Panel Error Toast Heading On Invalid file type | Upload Failed |
vbPanelImageTypeErrorToastSubHeading? | I18nBaseType | Virtual Background Panel Error Toast Subheading On Invalid file type | Please select a JPG or PNG file |
vbPanelImageSizeLimitErrorToastHeading? | I18nBaseType | Virtual Background Panel Error Toast Heading On File Size Limitation | Upload Failed |
vbPanelImageSizeLimitErrorToastSubHeading? | I18nBaseType | Virtual Background Panel Error Toast Subheading On File Size Limitation | File size must be less than 1MB. |
Key | Type | Description | Defaults |
toolbarItemPeopleText? | I18nBaseType | People ToolbarItem Label | People |
toolbarItemChatText? | I18nBaseType | Chat ToolbarItem Label | Chat |
toolbarItemSettingText? | I18nBaseType | Settings ToolbarItem Label | Settings |
toolbarItemLayoutText? | I18nBaseType | Layout ToolbarItem Label | Layout |
toolbarItemLayoutOptionGridText? | I18nBaseType | Layout ToolbarItem Option Grid Label | Grid |
toolbarItemLayoutOptionSidebarText? | I18nBaseType | Layout ToolbarItem Option Sidebar Label | Sidebar |
toolbarItemInviteText? | I18nBaseType | Invite ToolbarItem Label | Invite |
toolbarItemMicrophoneText? | I18nBaseType | Microphone ToolbarItem Label | Mic On |
toolbarItemMicrophoneTooltipText? | I18nBaseType | Microphone ToolbarItem Tooltip Label | Disable Mic |
toolbarItemCameraText? | I18nBaseType | Camera ToolbarItem Label | Video On |
toolbarItemCameraTooltipText? | I18nBaseType | Camera ToolbarItem Tooltip Label | Disable Video |
toolbarItemShareText? | I18nBaseType | Share ToolbarItem Tooltip Label | Share |
toolbarItemRecordingText? | I18nBaseType | Recording ToolbarItem Tooltip Label | Record |
toolbarItemLeaveText? | I18nBaseType | Leave ToolbarItem Tooltip Label | Leave |
toolbarItemMoreText? | I18nBaseType | More ToolbarItem Tooltip Label | More |
toolbarItemNoiseCancellationText? | I18nBaseType | Noise Cancellation ToolbarItem Tooltip Label | Noise Cancellation |
toolbarItemVitrualBackgroundText? | I18nBaseType | Virtual Background ToolbarItem Tooltip Label | Virtual Background |
toolbarItemWhiteboardText? | I18nBaseType | Whiteboard ToolbarItem Tooltip Label | Show Whiteboard |
toolbarItemCaptionText? | I18nBaseType | Caption ToolbarItem Tooltip Label | Show Caption |
toolbarItemTranscriptText? | I18nBaseType | Transcript ToolbarItem Tooltip Label | Show Transcript |
toolbarItemRaiseHandText? | I18nBaseType | Raise Hand ToolbarItem Tooltip Label (Only applicable to Livestreaming vertical) | Raise Hand |
livestreamingMicrophoneTooltipText? | I18nConditionalType | Livestreaming microphone Tooltip text (Only applicable to Livestreaming vertical) | Raise Hand in order to turn mic on |
livestreamingCameraTooltipText? | I18nConditionalType | Livestreaming camera Tooltip text (Only applicable to Livestreaming vertical) | Raise Hand in order to turn video on |
livestreamingShareTooltipText? | I18nConditionalType | Livestreaming share Tooltip text (Only applicable to Livestreaming vertical) | Raise Hand in order to present |
videoRoomPeopleCountTooltipHostText? | I18nBaseType | Livestreaming people count tooltip host text | Host |
videoRoomPeopleCountTooltipAttendeeText? | I18nBaseType | Livestreaming people count tooltip audience text | Audience |
Key | Type | Description | Defaults |
permissionPopupHeading? | I18nBaseType | Permission Helper Popup Heding | Allow access to camera and microphone |
permissionPopupSubHeading? | I18nBaseType | Permission Helper Popup Subheading | Select “Allow” for others to see and hear you |
permissionPopupDismissBtnText? | I18nBaseType | Permission Helper Dismiss Button text | Dismiss |
permissionPopupErrorToastHeading? | I18nBaseType | Error Toast Heading Text | Can't find your Camera |
permissionPopupErrorToastSubHeading? | I18nBaseType | Error Toast SubHeading Text | Check your system settings to make sure that a camera is available. If not, plug one in and restart your browser |
invitePopupHeading? | I18nBaseType | Invite Popup Heading Text | Invite others to join this room |
invitePopupPrimaryBtnText? | I18nBaseType | Invite Popup Primary Button Text | COPY INVITATION |
stopRecordingPopupHeading? | I18nBaseType | Stop Recording Popup Heading Text | Stop Recording? |
stopRecordingPopupSubHeading? | I18nBaseType | Stop Recording Popup Subheading Text | Are you sure you want to stop recording? You can’t undo this action. |
stopRecordingPopupPrimaryBtnText? | I18nBaseType | Stop Recording Popup Primary Button Text | END RECORDING |
leavePopupHeading? | I18nBaseType | Leave Popup Heading Text | Leave Room? |
leavePopupSubHeading? | I18nConditionalType | Leave Popup Subheading Text | Are you sure you want to leave this room? |
leavePopupPrimaryBtnText? | I18nBaseType | Leave Popup Primary Button Text | LEAVE |
removeUserFromRoomPopupHeading? | I18nDynamicType | Remove User From Room Popup Heading Text | Remove "username"? |
removeUserFromRoomPopupSubHeading? | I18nDynamicType | Remove User From Room Popup Subheading Text | Once removed, "username" will still be able to rejoin the room later. |
removeUserFromRoomPopupPrimaryBtnText? | I18nBaseType | Remove User From Room Popup Primary ButtonText | REMOVE |
removeScreenshareFromRoomPopupHeading? | I18nBaseType | Remove Screenshare From Room Popup Heading Text | Remove Screenshare? |
removeScreenshareFromRoomPopupSubHeading? | I18nDynamicType | Remove Screenshare From Room Popup Subheading Text | Once removed, "screenshare name" will still be able to screen share later. |
removeScreenshareFromRoomPopupPrimaryBtnText? | I18nBaseType | Remove Screenshare From Room Popup Primary Button Text | REMOVE |
clearAllWhiteboardPopupHeading? | I18nBaseType | Whiteboard Clear All Popup Heading Text | Clear Whiteboard? |
clearAllWhiteboardPopupSubHeading? | I18nBaseType | Whiteboard Clear All Popup Subheading Text | Are you sure you want to clear the whiteboard? |
clearAllWhiteboardPopupPrimaryBtnText? | I18nBaseType | Whiteboard Clean All Popup Primary Button Text | CLEAR ALL |
nativeScreensharePopupHeading? | I18nBaseType | Native Screenshare Popup Heading Text | Screen Share |
nativeScreensharePopupSubHeading? | I18nConditionalType | Native Screenshare Popup Subheading Text | NOTE: Camera and all incoming videos will be turned OFF for an optimised performance, do you wish to proceed? |
nativeScreensharePopupPrimaryBtnText? | I18nBaseType | Native Screenshare Popup Primary Button Text | PROCEED |
nativeScreensharePopupIncludeDeviceAudioText? | I18nBaseType | Native Screenshare Popup Primary Button Text | Include device audio |
nativeStopScreensharePopupHeading? | I18nBaseType | Native Stop Screenshare Popup Heading Text | Stop Screen Share? |
nativeStopScreensharePopupSubHeading? | I18nBaseType | Native Stop Screenshare Popup Subheading Text | You need to stop sharing your screen in order to turn the camera ON |
nativeStopScreensharePopupPrimaryBtnText? | I18nBaseType | Native Stop Screenshare Popup Primary Button Text | STOP SHARE & TURN CAMERA ON |
sttChangeLanguagePopupHeading? | I18nConditionalType | Change Spoken Language Popup Heading Text | Set Spoken Language |
sttChangeLanguagePopupSubHeading? | I18nBaseType | Change Spoken Language Popup Subheading Text | What language(s) are being spoken by everyone in this room? |
sttChangeLanguagePopupPrimaryBtnText? | I18nBaseType | Change Spoken Language Popup Primary Button Text | CONFIRM |
sttChangeLanguagePopupDropdownInfo? | I18nBaseType | Change Spoken Language Popup Dropdown Info Text | You can choose a maximum of two languages |
sttChangeLanguagePopupDropdownError? | I18nBaseType | Change Spoken Language Popup Dropdown Error Text | Choose at least one language to proceed |
muteAllConfirmationPopoverContent? | I18nBaseType | Mute all popover text | Mute everyone's video/audio on the call? |
requestConfirmationPopoverContent? | I18nBaseType | Request video/audio popover text | Request "username" to turn on their microphone/camera |
muteConfirmationPopoverContent? | I18nBaseType | Mute video/audio popover text | Mute "username" audio/video for everyone on the call? Only "username" can unmute themselves |
muteAllConfirmationPopoverPrimaryBtnText? | I18nBaseType | Mute all popover primary button text | Mute All |
muteConfirmationPopoverPrimaryBtnText? | I18nBaseType | Mute popover primary button text | Mute |
requestConfirmationPopoverPrimaryBtnText? | I18nBaseType | Request popover primary button text | Request |
Key | Type | Description | Defaults |
videoTileNetworkQuailtyLabel? | I18nBaseType<NetworkQualities> | Network Quality Indicator Label | Loading / Network Loading / Network Unpublished / Very Bad Network / Bad Network / Bad Network / Excellent Network / Network Unsupported |
moreBtnViewWhiteboard? | I18nBaseType | Used in video tile/participant more button | View Whiteboard |
moreBtnRemoveFromLarge? | I18nBaseType | Used in video tile/participant more button | Remove From Large |
moreBtnViewInLarge? | I18nBaseType | Used in video tile/participant more button | View In Large |
moreBtnPinToTop? | I18nBaseType | Used in video tile/participant more button | Pin to top |
moreBtnRemoveFromTop? | I18nBaseType | Used in video tile/participant more button | Remove from top |
moreBtnMessagePrivately? | I18nBaseType | Used in video tile/participant more button | Message Privately |
moreBtnAudio? | I18nConditionalType | Used in video tile/participant more button | Mute Audio |
moreBtnVideo? | I18nConditionalType | Used in video tile/participant more button | Mute Video |
moreBtnAddAsPresenter? | I18nBaseType | Used in video tile/participant more button | Add as Presenter |
moreBtnRemoveAsPresenter? | I18nBaseType | Used in video tile/participant more button | Remove as Presenter |
moreBtnRemoveFromRoom? | I18nBaseType | Used in video tile/participant more button | Remove from Room |
moreBtnChangeName? | I18nBaseType | Used in video tile/participant more button | Change Name |
moreBtnStopScreenShare? | I18nBaseType | Used in video tile/participant more button | Stop Screenshare |
moreBtnRemoveScreenShare? | I18nBaseType | Used in video tile/participant more button | Remove Screenshare |
videoRoomUserFallbackText? | I18nBaseType | Username fallback text | User |
videoRoomRecordingText? | I18nBaseType | Used in top toolbar for recording status | Recording |
videoRoomGoToActiveSpeakerText? | I18nBaseType | Used in Sidebar layout | Go To Active Speaker |
videoRoomStartingCallText? | I18nBaseType | Used in video call screen loading | Starting Call. Just a second. |
videoRoomScreenshareText? | I18nDynamicType | Used in screen share tile username | "username"'s screenshare |
videoRoomScreenshareOverlayText? | I18nBaseType | Used in screen share tile | You are sharing your screen |
videoRoomScreenshareStopSharingBtnText? | I18nBaseType | Used in screen share tile | Stop Sharing |
livestreamingAttendeeWhatYouCanDoText? | I18nBaseType | Used in livestreaming attendee info tile while waiting for host to join | Here's what you can do here : |
livestreamingAttendeeInviteOthersText? | I18nBaseType | Used in livestreaming attendee info tile while waiting for host to join | INVITE OTHER ATTENDEES |
livestreamingAttendeeWaitingForHostToJoinText? | I18nBaseType | Used in livestreaming attendee info tile while waiting for host to join | Waiting for the host to join |
livestreamingAttendeeRaiseHandInfoHeading? | I18nBaseType | Used in livestreaming attendee info tile while waiting for host to join | Raise Your hand |
livestreamingAttendeeRaiseHandInfoSubHeading? | I18nBaseType | Used in livestreaming attendee info tile while waiting for host to join | Let everyone know that you've something to say |
livestreamingAttendeeChatWithOthersInfoHeading? | I18nBaseType | Used in livestreaming attendee info tile while waiting for host to join | Chat with others |
livestreamingAttendeeChatWithOthersInfoSubHeading? | I18nBaseType | Used in livestreaming attendee info tile while waiting for host to join | Message fellow attendees or the hosts |
livestreamingAttendeePresentYourScreenInfoHeading? | I18nBaseType | Used in livestreaming attendee info tile while waiting for host to join | Present Your screen |
livestreamingAttendeePresentYourScreenInfoSubHeading? | I18nBaseType | Used in livestreaming attendee info tile while waiting for host to join | Be a presenter post the host’s approval |
livestreamingAttendeeJoinWithActivitiesInfoHeading? | I18nBaseType | Used in livestreaming attendee info tile while waiting for host to join | Join in activities |
livestreamingAttendeeJoinWithActivitiesInfoSubHeading? | I18nBaseType | Used in livestreaming attendee info tile while waiting for host to join | Jam with everyone on a whiteboard |
Key | Type | Description | Defaults |
sttChangeSpokenLanguageText? | I18nBaseType | STT More Button Text | Change Spoken Language |
sttTranscriptPanelHeaderText? | I18nBaseType | Transcript Panel Header Text | Room Transcript |
sttDownloadBtnText? | I18nBaseType | Leave Call Popup Download Button Text | Download |
sttDownloadTranscriptBtnText? | I18nBaseType | Transcript Panel Download Button Text | Download Transcript |
sttSettingSpokenLanguageText? | I18nBaseType | Used in Caption panel while setting the spoken language | Setting Spoken Language |
sttLanguageChangeInProgress? | I18nBaseType | Used in Caption panel while changing the spoken language | Language Change is in progress... |
sttTranscriptPanelSearchText? | I18nBaseType | Used in Transcript panel search input placeholder | Search |
sttTranscriptPanelNoSearchResultsFoundText? | I18nBaseType | Used in Transcript panel search container | No search results found |
sttTranscriptPanelViewLatestText? | I18nBaseType | Used in Transcript panel when new translation available | View Latest |
Key | Type | Description | Defaults |
peoplePanelHeaderText? | I18nBaseType | People panel header text | People |
peoplePanelTurnoffAllCameraBtnText? | I18nBaseType | People panel Host Control Turn off all camera button text | Turn off all cameras |
peoplePanelMuteAllMicBtnText? | I18nBaseType | People panel Host Control Mute all button text | Mute All |
peoplePanelHostSectionHeaderText? | I18nBaseType | People panel Host Section header text | HOST |
peoplePanelAudienceSectionHeaderText? | I18nBaseType | People panel Audience Section Header text | AUDIENCE |
peoplePanelInThisMeetingLabel? | I18nBaseType | People panel In this Room section Header text | IN THIS MEETING |
peoplePanelNoHostJoinedContent? | I18nBaseType | People panel Placeholder text when no host joined | No Host has joined yet. |
peoplePanelNoAudienceJoinedContent? | I18nBaseType | People panel Placeholder text when no audience joined | No Audience has joined yet. |
peoplePanelNoUsersJoinedContent? | I18nBaseType | People panel Placeholder text when no user joined | No Users has joined yet. |
peoplePanelWantToJoinText? | I18nBaseType | People panel Want to join Section Header text | WANT TO JOIN |
peoplePanelWaitingText? | I18nBaseType | People panel Waiting Section header text | WAITING |
peoplePanelMeText? | I18nBaseType | People panel local user indicator text | Me |
peoplePanelPresenterText? | I18nBaseType | People panel presenter user indicator text | Presenter |
peoplePanelWaitingRoomRequestApprovalBtnTxt? | I18nBaseType | People panel Waiting room approval button text | Admin |
peoplePanelWaitingRoomRequestDenyBtnTxt? | I18nBaseType | People panel Waiting room deny button text | Deny |
peoplePanelUserNotFoundLabel? | I18nBaseType | People panel User is missing | User not found |
peoplePanelStreamingRequestSectionHeader? | I18nBaseType | People panel Streaming Request section header | STREAMING REQUEST |
peoplePanelLivestreamingApprovalBtnText? | I18nBaseType | People panel Livestreaming approval button text | Accept |
peoplePanelLivestreamingDenyBtnText? | I18nBaseType | People panel Livestreaming deny button text | Deny |
Key | Type | Description | Defaults |
chatPanelGroupTabText? | I18nBaseType | Chat Panel Group tab button text | Group |
chatPanelPrivateTabText? | I18nBaseType | Chat Panel Private tab button text | Private |
chatPanelUserOfflineText? | I18nBaseType | Chat Panel User offline message text | User is offline |
chatPanelUnreadMessageText? | I18nBaseType | Chat Panel Welcome content | Unread message |
groupChatWelcomeContent? | I18nConditionalType | Chat Panel unread message text | Welcome to Chat! All messages are deleted when call ends. |
groupChatInputPlaceHolderText? | I18nDynamicType | Chat Panel unread message text | Chat publicly as "username"... |
privateChatInputPlaceHolderText? | I18nDynamicType | Chat Panel unread message text | Private Message to "username" |
chatActionMenuDownloadText? | I18nBaseType | Attachment download text | Download |
chatActionMenuCopyLinkText? | I18nBaseType | Attachment Url copy text | Copy File Link |
chatActionMenuDeleteText? | I18nBaseType | Chat Delete Text | Delete |
chatSendMessageBtnText? | I18nBaseType | Chat send message button text | Send |
chatMsgDeletedText? | I18nDynamicType | Text when a user deletes a message | "username deleted the message" |
chatMessageDeleteConfirmBtnText? | I18nBaseType | Delete Confirmation button text | Delete |
chatPublicMessageDeletePopupText? | I18nBaseType | Message confirmation before deleting any group message | Are you sure you want to delete this message for everyone in the public chat? |
chatPrivateMessageDeletePopupText? | I18nDynamicType | Message confirmation before deleting any peer messages | Are you sure you want to delete this message for "username"? |
chatUploadErrorToastHeading? | I18nBaseType | Chat upload error state toast text | Attachment Upload Error |
chatUploadErrorFileSizeToastHeading? | I18nBaseType | Error message for file exceeding the size limit | File size is too large |
chatSendErrorTextSizeToastHeading? | I18nBaseType | Error message for text exceeding the size limit | Text size is too large |
chatUploadErrorFileSizeToastSubHeading? | I18nDynamicType | Sub heading text for file size exceeding popup | You can send attachments up to "size" MB in size |
chatSendErrorTextSizeToastSubHeading? | I18nDynamicType | Sub heading text for text message exceeding size popup | You can send text message up to "size" KB in size |
chatUploadStatusInProgress? | I18nBaseType | Attachment uploading in progress text | Uploading... Please wait |
chatUploadStatusFailure? | I18nBaseType | Attachment failed to upload text | Something went wrong while sharing. Let's try again |
Key | Type | Description | Defaults |
userRemovedFromTheRoomToastHeading? | I18nDynamic | Toast heading to inform the host when he remove someone from the call | The system will remove "username" from this call after 5 secs. |
sttSpokenLanguageToastHeading? | [I18nBaseType]<sttSpokenLanguageToastHeadingDataType> | Toast heading to inform users when spoken language is changed | Spoken Language Set |
sttSpokenLanguageToastSubHeading? | [I18nBaseType]<[sttSpokenLanguageToastSubHeadingDataInterface]>(#sttspokenlanguagetoastsubheadingdatainterface) | Toast subheading to inform users when spokne language is changed | "username" has set the spoken language to "english" |
waitingRoomApprovalRequiredToastHeading? | I18nBaseType | Toast heading to inform the host when he someone requested waiting room approval | Approval Required |
waitingRoomApprovalRequiredToastSubHeading? | I18nDynamic | Toast heading to informthe host when he someone requested waiting room approval | "username" is waiting for approval to join the call |
waitingRoomApprovalRequiredPrimaryBtnText? | I18nBaseType | Toast primary button text | Admit |
waitingRoomApprovalRequiredSecondaryBtnText? | I18nBaseType | Toast secondary button text | Deny |
waitingRoomApprovalRejectionToastHeading? | I18nBaseType | Toast heading to inform the user when he host rejected the waiting room request | Approval Required |
waitingRoomApprovalRejectionToastSubHeading? | I18nBaseType | Toast subheading to inform the user when he host rejected the waiting room request | Permission to enter the room was denied by the host |
publicChatToastHeading? | I18nDynamicType | Used when somebody receive message in public chat | "username" commented in the public chat |
multiplePublicChatToastHeading? | I18nBaseType | Used when 2 or more people receives message in public chat | New comments in Public Chat |
multiplePublicChatToastSubHeading? | I18nBaseType<publicChatToastSubHeadingDataInterface> | Used when 2 or more people receives message in public chat | You have "5" new messages from "username1,username2" |
privateChatToastHeading? | I18nBaseType | Used when user received single private message | You’ve received a private message |
multiplePrivateChatToastHeading? | I18nBaseType<privateChatToastHeadingDataInterface> | Used when user received mutliple private message | You’ve received "2" private messages |
multiplePublicAndPrivateChatToastHeading? | I18nBaseType | Used when user received multiple public and private message | New comments in Public & Private Chat |
multiplePublicAndPrivateChatToastSubHeading? | I18nBaseType<publicAndPrivateChatToastSubHeadingDataInterface> | Used when user received multiple public and private message | You have "2" new messages from "user1,user2" and "5" Private chat |
hostMutedUserToastHeading? | I18nBaseType<I18nMuteType> | Used when host mute user video/audio | The host has muted your video/audio |
hostRequestedUserToastHeading? | I18nBaseType<I18nMuteType> | Used when host request user video/audio | The host has requested you to speak/The host has asked you to start your video |
hostRequestedUserToastPrimaryBtnText? | I18nBaseType<I18nMuteType> | Used when host request user video/audio primary action button text | UNMUTE |
hostRequestedUserToastSecondaryBtnText? | I18nBaseType<I18nMuteType> | Used when host request user video/audio secondary action button text | LATER |
hostRemovedUserToastHeading? | I18nBaseType | Toast heading when host removed user from the call | The host has removed you from the room. |
deviceDetectionToastHeading? | I18nDynamicType | Toast heading when user connect a new device into the system | New Mic detected |
deviceDetectionToastSubHeading? | I18nBaseType<deviceDetectionToastSubHeadingDataInterface> | Toast subheading when user connect a new device into the system | New UserDeviceName named mic detected. Do you want to switch? |
deviceDetectionPrimaryBtnText? | I18nBaseType | Primary Button Text | SWITCH DEVICE |
deviceDetectionSecondaryBtnText? | I18nBaseType | Secondary Button text | IGNORE |
deviceDetectionCheckboxText? | I18nBaseType | Checkbox label text | Remember my choice |
whiteboardExportErrorToastHeading? | I18nBaseType | Whiteboard Export Error Toast Heading Text | Failed to export the whiteboard |
whiteboardExportInfoToastHeading? | I18nBaseType | Whiteboard Export Info Toast Heading Text | Please wait few seconds to get the screenshot link of the whiteboard |
whiteboardExportSuccessToastHeading? | I18nBaseType | Whiteboard Export Success Toast Heading Text | Whiteboard exported as an image. Link copied to your clipboard. |
whiteboardFileUploadErrorToastHeading? | I18nBaseType<[whiteboardFileUploadToastDataType]>(#whiteboardfileuploadtoastdatatype) | Whiteboard File Upload Error Toast Heading Text | Error on uploading "File/Image", please try again |
whiteboardFileUploadInfoToastHeading? | I18nBaseType<[whiteboardFileUploadToastDataType]>(#whiteboardfileuploadtoastdatatype) | Whiteboard File Upload Info Toast Heading Text | "File/Image" Upload will take few seconds to appear in whiteboard1 |
whiteboardFileUploadTypeErrorToastHeading? | I18nBaseType<[whiteboardFileUploadToastDataType]>(#whiteboardfileuploadtoastdatatype) | Whiteboard File Upload Type Error Toast Heading Text | Unsupported file |
whiteboardFileUploadTypeErrorToastSubHeading? | I18nBaseType<[whiteboardFileUploadToastDataType]>(#whiteboardfileuploadtoastdatatype) | Whiteboard File Upload Type Error Toast SubHeading Text | Please select file format with pdf, doc, docx, ppt, pptx, png, jpg, jpeg |
videoRoomScreenShareErrorToastHeading? | I18nBaseType | Screenshare Error Toast Heading Text | Failed to initiate screen sharing |
videoRoomScreenShareErrorToastSubHeading? | I18nBaseType | Screenshare Error Toast SubHeading Text | Permission denied |
videoRoomRecordingToastHeading? | I18nConditionalType | Recording Started/Stopped Toast Heading Text | Recording "Started/Stopped" |
videoRoomRecordingToastSubHeading? | I18nDynamic | Recording Started Toast SubHeading Text | This room is being recorded by "username" |
livestreamRaiseHandRequestToastHeading? | I18nBaseType | Raise Hand Requested Toast Heading Text (Audience side) | You’ve raised your hand. |
livestreamRaiseHandRequestToastSubHeading? | I18nBaseType | Raise Hand Requested Toast SubHeading Text (Audience side) | Waiting for host to approve the request |
livestreamRaiseHandRequestReceivedToastHeading? | I18nDynamic | Raise Hand Request Received Toast Heading Text (Host side) | "username" has raised their hand to be a Presenter |
livestreamRaiseHandRequestReceivedToastSubHeading? | I18nBaseType | Raise Hand Request Received Toast SubHeading Text (Audience side) | Once approved they will be able to speak, share their video and present during this call. |
livestreamRaiseHandRequestAcceptedToastHeading? | I18nBaseType | Raise Hand Request Accepted Toast Heading Text (Audience side) | Host has approved your request. |
livestreamRaiseHandRequestAcceptedToastSubHeading? | I18nBaseType | Raise Hand Request Accepted Toast SubHeading Text (Audience side) | You are now a Presenter |
livestreamRaiseHandRequestRejectedToastHeading? | I18nBaseType | Raise Hand Request Rejected Toast SubHeading Text (Audience side) | Your request was rejected by the host |
livestreamRaiseHandRequestRecallToastHeading? | I18nConditionalType | Raise Hand Request Withdraw Toast Heading Text (Host side) | "username" has lowered their hand |
livestreamRaiseHandRequestRecallLocalToastHeading? | I18nBaseType | Raise Hand Request Withdraw Toast Heading Text (Audience side) | You’ve lowered your hand. |
livestreamRaiseHandApprovedRequestRecallToastHeading? | I18nBaseType | Raise Hand Revoked Toast Heading Text | Host has revoked streaming permissions. |
livestreamPromoteAsCoHostToastHeading? | I18nBaseType | Raise Hand PromoteAsCoHost Toast Heading Text | Host promoted you as a Presenter |
livestreamRequestAlreadyProcessed? | I18nBaseType | Raise Hand Already Processed | Request already processed. |
livestreamToastApprovalBtnText? | I18nBaseType | Raise Hand Approval Toast Primary Button text | ALLOW TO BE A PRESENTER |
livestreamToastDenyBtnText? | I18nBaseType | Raise Hand Approval Toast Secondary Button text | DENY |
Key | Type | Description | Defaults |
whiteboardInitializingText? | I18nBaseType | Whiteboard Loading Text | Whiteboard is initializing |
whiteboardWidgetViewOnlyText? | I18nBaseType | View Only Button Text | View Only |
whiteboardWidgetZoomInText? | I18nBaseType | Zoom In Button Text | Zoom In |
whiteboardWidgetZoomOutText? | I18nBaseType | Zoom Out Button Text | Zoom Out |
whiteboardWidgetFitToScreenText? | I18nBaseType | Fit To Screen Button Text | Fit to Screen |
whiteboardWidgetRedoText? | I18nBaseType | Redo Button Text | Redo |
whiteboardWidgetUndoText? | I18nBaseType | Undo Button Text | Undo |
whiteboardWidgetExportToCloudText? | I18nBaseType | Export to Cloud Button Text | Export to Cloud |
whiteboardToolboxSelectText? | I18nBaseType | Select Button Text | Select |
whiteboardToolboxTextFormatting? | I18nBaseType | Text Button Text | Text |
whiteboardToolboxMoveText? | I18nBaseType | Move Button Text | Move |
whiteboardToolboxLaserText? | I18nBaseType | Laser Button Text | Laser |
whiteboardToolboxEraseText? | I18nBaseType | Eraser Button Text | Eraser |
whiteboardToolboxUploadText? | I18nBaseType | Upload Documet or Image Button Text | Upload Documet or Image |
whiteboardToolboxClearAllText? | I18nBaseType | Clear All Button Text | Clear All |
whiteboardToolboxWidthLabel? | I18nBaseType | Pencil size width Text | Width |
whiteboardToolboxPxLabel? | I18nBaseType | Pencil size pixel Text | px |
Key | Type | Description | Defaults |
cancelText? | I18nBaseType | Cancel Button Text | CANCEL |
loadingText? | I18nBaseType | Loading Text | Loading... |
Key | Type | Description | Defaults |
logoutText? | I18nBaseType | Logout Button Text | Logout |
authLogoutPopupHeading? | I18nBaseType | Logout Popup Heading Text | Logout? |
authLogoutPopupSubHeading? | I18nBaseType | Logout Popup Subheading Text | Are you sure you wanna log out? |
authLogoutPopupPrimaryBtnText? | I18nBaseType | Logout Popup Primary Button Text | CONFIRM |
authLogInRequiredPopupHeading? | I18nBaseType | Login Required Popup Heading Text | Login Required |
authLogInRequiredPopupSubHeading? | I18nBaseType | Login Required Popup Subheading Text | Log-in to your organization to continue |
authLogInRequiredPopupPrimaryBtnText? | I18nBaseType | Login Required Popup Primary Button Text | LOGIN |
authLogInRequiredPopupSecondaryBtnText? | I18nBaseType | Login Required Popup Secondary ButtonText | CLOSE APP |
App Builder ships with
out of the Box. Providing an object with en-us as it's locale will replace the default strings
When there are two or more translations in the App(including the default
), A dropdown language selector will be display in both the precall screen as well as the settings panel.
Use the example code given below showcasing overriding
- turnkey
- react-sdk
- web-sdk
import React from "react";
import { customize } from "customization-api";
const userCustomization = customize({
i18n: [
locale: "en-us",
label: "English US",
data: {
meetingNameInputPlaceholder: "Name your Room",
pstnUserLabel: "Dial In User",
joinRoomButton: ({ ready, role }) =>
? !role
? "Join Room"
: `Join Room as ${
role === ClientRole.Broadcaster ? "Host" : "Audience"
: `Loading...`,
locale: "es",
label: "Español",
data: {
meetingNameInputPlaceholder: "Nombra tu habitación",
export default userCustomization;
import React, { useEffect } from "react";
import AppBuilderReactSdk from "@appbuilder/react";
const App = () => {
useEffect(() => {
i18n: [
locale: "en-us",
label: "English US",
data: {
meetingNameInputPlaceholder: "Name your Room",
pstnUserLabel: "Dial In User",
joinRoomButton: ({ ready, role }) =>
? !role
? "Join Room"
: `Join Room as ${
role === ClientRole.Broadcaster ? "Host" : "Audience"
: `Loading...`,
locale: "es",
label: "Español",
data: {
meetingNameInputPlaceholder: "Nombra tu habitación",
return (
<div style={{ display: "flex", flex: 1 }}>
<AppBuilderReactSdk.View />
export default App;
<script type="module">
import AppBuilderWebSdk, { React } from "@appbuilder/web";
i18n: [
locale: "en-us",
label: "English US",
data: {
meetingNameInputPlaceholder: "Name your Room",
pstnUserLabel: "Dial In User",
joinRoomButton: ({ ready, role }) =>
? !role
? "Join Room"
: `Join Room as ${
role === ClientRole.Broadcaster ? "Host" : "Audience"
: `Loading...`,
locale: "es",
label: "Español",
data: {
meetingNameInputPlaceholder: "Nombra tu habitación",
<div style="height: 100vh; width: 100vw; display: flex; flex: 1">
<app-builder />
I18nDynamicType : I18nBaseType<string>
I18nConditionalType : I18nBaseType<boolean>
Key | Type | Description |
ready | boolean | Boolean that indicates whether a room is ready to be joined |
role | ClientRole | Role of the user trying to join |
waitingRoom | boolean | Boolean that indicates whether a waiting room is enabled or not |
Key | Type | Description |
meetingName | string | Name of the room |
id | { host?: string; attendee?: string } | Host and Attendee Room ID - Used to join via mobile |
url | { host?: string; attendee?: string } | Host and Attendee Room Link - Used to join via web |
pstn | { number: string; pin: string } | Dial in Number and Pin |
isHost | string | To confirm whether the current user is host or not |
isSeparateHostLink | boolean | To confirm host and attendee will have separate link to join |
Index | Name | Description |
1 | Broadcaster | User publishes to other channel broadcasters and Audience members |
2 | Audience | User subscribing to other channel broadcasters without publishes |
Key | Type | Description |
name | string | device type - mic/speaker/video |
label | string | device name |
interface NetworkQualityStatusInterface {
unknown?: 'Unknown';
excellent?: 'Excellent';
good?: 'Good';
bad?: 'Bad';
veryBad?: 'Very Bad';
unpublished?: 'Unpublished';
loading?: 'Loading';
type NetworkQualities = keyof NetworkQualityStatusInterface
Key | Type | Description |
count | number | no of unread messages from public chat |
from | string | people name who sent those message |
Key | Type | Description |
count | number | no of unread messages from private chat |
Key | Type | Description |
privateChatCount | number | no of unread messages from private chat |
from | string | people name who sent those message |
Key | Type | Description |
action | sttSpokenLanguageToastHeadingDataType | Spoken language set/changed |
newLanguage | string | new language selected in the dropdown |
oldLanguage | string | old language used for transcript |
username | string | Person name who set/change spoken language |