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Methods available on the sdk default export to interact with app builder.

login( token: string ): void

Authentication method to log in the sdk instance with the generated token. See how to generate a login token

logout(): void

Invalidates the login token currently being used by the SDK instance.

customize( CustomizationApiInterface ): void

Applies your customization to the Embed-SDK.

createCustomization( CustomizationApiInterface ): CustomizationApiInterface

Creates a customization object to be applied via the customize method.

joinPrecall( roomDetails: string | RoomData, userName?: string,skipPrecall?: boolean, preference?: {disableShareTile: boolean} ): Promise<[roomdata:RoomData, enterRoom:( userName?: string )=>{} ]>

Allows user to programatically join a room with given roomDetails which can either be the room passphrase generated by the app builder backend or room details recieved from the backend. Returns a promise that resolves to roomInfo which contains the room data and enterRoom function which starts the call from the precall screen programatically.

joinRoom( roomDetails: string | RoomData, userName?: string , preference?: {disableShareTile: boolean}): Promise<RoomData>

Allows user to programatically join a room with given roomDetails which can either be the room passphrase generated by the app builder backend or room details recieved from the backend.

muteAudio( mute: boolean | ((currentMute: boolean) => boolean) ): Promise<void>

Allows user to programatically mute/unmute the local user's audio.

muteVideo( mute: boolean | ((currentMute: boolean) => boolean) ): Promise<void>

Allows user to programatically mute/unmute the local user's video.

setMicrophone( deviceId: deviceId ): Promise<void>

Allows user to programatically set the audio input device.

setCamera( deviceId: deviceId ): Promise<void>

Allows user to programatically set the video input device.

setSpeaker( deviceId: deviceId ): Promise<void>

Allows user to programatically set the audio output device.


Only works on Google chrome and other chromium based browsers.

on( eventName: keyof sdkEventsMapInterface ,callback: sdkEventsMapInterface[eventName] ): unsubscribe

Allows attaching callbacks to events emitted by the Embed-SDK. A list of all events along with necessary callbacks can be found here.


unsubscribe(): void

Unsubscribes from the method